Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A look at the past...poems and pictures

This morning, I was digging around in some of my art supplies, and I came across the first altered book I ever worked on...It is a bit primitive, I guess you would say, and I was definitely in a learning process while doing it. One thing I did really like though, was the fact that I had written several original poems to include in the pages. I thought I would share one of them with you today, just for something a little different.
The poem on the left with the rabbits and pink paper reads:

Look! I found a feeling!
There it was hiding behind my heart-
in the dark.
It was so small I almost missed it,
but I could see that I missed you, 
not the feeling.
Look! Here comes another feeling!
This time it's happiness...
and joy because I also found you.
c. 2010 - L. Thykeson

The poem on the right, with the tiger and the sun reads as follows:

I find myself dreaming
with my eyes wide open...
Wondering if I am good enough or
smart enough, or is any of it
worth it?
I find myself wondering why-
when there are no reasons for questions
and don't understand when I get no answer...
I find myself hurting
when there is no reason for pain...
and I am sad when there is no reason for sadness.
c. 2010 - L. Thykeson

I really enjoy writing and using original poetry in my altered books, and had forgotten how much it means to me to express myself this way. I am going to concentrate more in the future on trying to use my own poetry and prose more often in the altered book pages I create, and I will share some of it with you as I go along. I love the simplicity of these pages, and the raw emotions of which they remind me.  They take me right back to the original excitement I felt when I first discovered the book arts! Oh what a wonderful and exciting time that was-I could barely make myself take the time to eat and sleep, I was so engrossed in altering the pages and writing!

The next time you work on one of your altered books, try your hand at writing your own poetry or prose to go along with your art. It really makes your work seem more of a personal reflection of yourself, and helps those of us who have a hard time verbally expressing ourselves to reveal our emotions to ourselves as well as others. Most of all - enjoy creating!

Laura Thykeson


  1. I love this, Laura. How could any artwork be more personal than when it's paired with your own original words. Thanks for sharing them.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, and for your kind comments! Thanks again, Cyndi

  2. I'm all for having more poetry in the world! Nice job.

  3. Thanks for stopping by and for your comments Cherie!

  4. Love your poems, Laura. The layout while perhaps "primitive", reflects popular journaling styles of the time. So both the page style and the poems are like a trip back in time.

    I have some poems I wrote 15 years ago, but haven't put them into art journal pages. I really should do that! Thanks for sharing yours.

  5. Thank you so much, Eileen! You SHOULD put your written words with some of your work!

  6. Love your poetry Laura! You should write even more and include it in your work cause it's really good.

    Hugs XX

  7. Thank you so much Barbara! I am planning on working with my poetry more in the near future. A Look at this old book I had included poetry in gave me the impetus to pursue it more! Thanks again for your lovely words!


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