Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Winning, Painting and Writing

I have had so many wonderful things happen to me this week! I can't ever remember such a week where I have felt so blessed and grateful for all of the wonderful people in my life...I just found out this morning that I had won a copy of the book "Courage and Croissants" from Jennifer Hutchins, after leaving a comment on her blog about how much she has inspired me. Then, a couple of days ago, I got an email from "Creativity Portal" and they are going to add me to their site and want me to contribute articles on a regular basis. The "Art Instruction" wants me to write articles for them as well! Finally, "The Art Colony" is going to feature my interview and artwork for the "Artist Profile Of The Week" on their NING website in the month of April.

Last but not least, I have my own NING group "Art From Your Heart", which is growing slowly but steadily, and we are getting ready to have a FREE class where we go through the book "True Vision-Authentic Art Journaling" written by L. K. Ludwig. We are going to explore the book together. I have some other books lined up for other classes after we finish this one. You can become a member of the site and sign up for the FREE workshop by clicking this link- Art From Your Heart

It feels a bit like Christmas, with all of these new and exciting things happening! I have been working night and day getting ideas for articles written down, as well as getting pages and canvas prepped to do some new artwork done for the articles I will be writing. I am including a page I am in the middle of working on, just to show you a little bit of what I am doing right now. The page is so large, the whole thing wouldn't fit on my scanner, but you can see the main parts of it. This one is a combination of collage, mixed media, watercolors, acrylics, Permanent ink and white gel pen. You should be able to click on the image and get a better look at it. I still have a lot of detail work to do before it is finished.

I truly hope that life finds you in a good place right now, busy creating and happy with your work! Join up with me on my Facebook page, "Laura Shelton Thykeson" as well as my "The Altered Book Nook". See you there!


  1. Oh, how exciting! Congrats! Your creativity will inspire more in everyone.

  2. Thanks so much for the sweet comment and encouragement! I appreciate you all so much!

  3. Hi Laura, I too love art, and am a published author, and poet. We seem to love life and get so much out of it, there are days when I just don't have enough hours in it! your creative work!


  4. Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my blog!

  5. I think you need to buy a lottery ticket this week! You're definitely on a roll. Good for you!

  6. Congratulations, Laura! This beautiful, wide-ranging blog has been chosen to receive the Versatile Blogger Award by Eileen at The Artful Crafter. Please hop over to pick up your award button.

  7. Oh Eileen...How WONDERFUL!!! Thank you so much-this is such an honor!!! I will be over asap!

  8. Congratulations on all the good news, Laura! Spring is a great time to recharge, and when good things start to pour in it just makes it even better!

  9. Thanks Cyndi-love your blog and your work by the way....!


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